how to draw goku ultra instinct
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Material List
- A piece of paper
- A pencil
- A fine point black marker
- A medium point black marker
- An eraser
- Some color pencils
- blue
- dark blue
- red brown
- dark gold
- gray
- orange
- peach tan
- A Sticky roller (optional)
Reference Picture:
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 1 – Stick Figuring

- Draw a stick figure to pose the character
- Draw a circle for the head, draw a cross on the head circle as if it was a sphere, the cross will help you locate the facial features later on
- Draw a circle for the torso, draw a cross on the torso circle as if it was a sphere
- Draw a circle for the hips, draw a cross on the hips circle as if it was a sphere
- Draw two circle on the hip sphere to locate where the legs connect to the hips
- Draw two lines for the thighs
- Draw two circles for the knee joints
- Draw two lines for the calves
- Draw two two triangular shapes for the feet
- Draw two rectangles for the feet
- Locate where the shoulders connect to the torso, and draw two circles for the shoulder joints
- Draw two lines for the upper arms
- Draw two circles for the elbow joints
- Draw two lines for the lower arms
- Draw two circle for the fists, draw lines for the finger for open hand gestures
Tip 1: Double check the locations of your shapes with the reference, use your pencil as a measuring tool to correct any proportion that is off.
Tip 2: Goku's pose might look very straight on, but he's body is actually facing the right a little bit.
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 2 – Form Figuring

- Rough in the shape of the hair
- Add form to the body
- Roughly mark out where the facial features are
Tip 1: Goku is topless in this design, this is a great chance to learn muscular anatomy from the reference picture, pay close attention to how the muscle anatomy is design in the reference.
Tip 2: Goku's legs and feet are covered with clothing, so don't stress out trying to draw the anatomy of the legs, instead just rough in the general volume of the clothed leg and feet.
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 3 – Clothed Figure Drawing

- Rough in all major clothing, including any accessory or weapons
Tip: The way Akira Toriyama draws clothes are incredibly hard to replicate, instead of trying to copy it exactly, try to understand the way his folds are constructed and simplify it for this practice.
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 4 – Refined Pencil Drawing

- Refine the drawing by locating the definitive lines amongst the rough sketch, draw the definitive lines darker
- Draw in small details that were overlooked in the rough sketch
- Keep refining until all lines are definitive
Tip 1: Draw lightly, use short and repetitive strokes, slowing draw heavier as you commit to more definitive lines.
Tip 2: Often times the Reference Picture was drawn at a bigger scale or with finer tools, so some extremely small details will be difficult to replicate, instead simplify the details but try to express it with the same style, in this case, the tattered parts of the pants.
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 5 – Trace Pencil Lines with Marker

- Trace the pencil lines with a black marker
- Use an eraser to erase all the pencil lines so that only the marker lines remain
Tip 1: Rotate the paper to draw smoother lines
Tip 2: Break up long lines with shorter strokes, connect the short strokes to make line look continuous.
Tip 3: Push lighter on the maker to create thinner lines for small details.
Tip 4: hold down the paper with your other hand to avoid wrinkle and creases on paper
Tip 5: Use a sticky roller to clean up the eraser rubbings.
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 6 – Color in Midtone

- Color the hair with gray
- Color the skin with peach tan
- Color the pants with orange
- Color the wrist band, belt, underpants, and boot with blue
- Color the strips on the boots with red
- Color the ties on the boots with dark gold
- Double check with the reference picture
Tip: Color evenly, and follow direction of your strokes with the form of the object
Glossary – Midtone: the flat neutral color of an object without light and shadow
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 7 – Color in Shadow

- Color the shadow area of gray with black
- Color the shadow area of peach tan with brown tan
- Color the shadow area of orange with red brown
- Color the shadow area of blue with dark blue
- Color the shadow area of red with red brown
- Color the shadow area of dark gold with red brown
Tip: This design uses a Cel Shading technique for the shadow, and it was done very finely, again simplify the shadow areas to make it more manageable.
Glossary – Cel Shading: A coloring style often used in anime that flattens all forms of lighting.
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Step 8 – Thicken Profile Lines

- Thicken the profile lines with a black marker
Glossary – Profile lines: The outer borderlines of a major form like head, body, arms and legs. Detail lines like pattern on the body and facial features are usually not consider profile lines.
How to Draw Ultra Instinct Goku – Complete

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how to draw goku ultra instinct
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